Digital Preservation Policy
PKP Preservation Network (PN): To ensure the preservation of the collection of published texts, the LAJM adopts the PKP Preservation Network (PN), which provides free preservation services for any journal on OJS.
PKP Preservation Network (PN): To ensure the preservation of the collection of published texts, the LAJM adopts the PKP Preservation Network (PN), which provides free preservation services for any journal on OJS.
The Latin American Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 2965-0798) is an open access online publication (Open Access Policy). The journal consists of a biannual production dedicated to disseminating original academic work or review. The LAJM works with a continuous submission flow.
Latin American Journal of Mathematics © by Universidade Federal de São Carlos is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Rod. Washington Luís, km 235 - SP-310 - São Carlos - SP - CEP 13565-905 - Brazil