A survey on relative Lipschitz saturation of algebras and its relation with radicial algebras


  • Thiago da Silva Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Guilherme Schultz Netto Colégio Marista Colatina




Lipschitz saturation, Commutative Algebra


In this work, we introduce Lipman’s work on relative Lipschitz saturation, along with its key categorical and algebraic properties, and demonstrate how Lipman proved that such a structure always gives rise to a radicial algebra.


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How to Cite

da Silva, T. and Schultz Netto, G. 2024. A survey on relative Lipschitz saturation of algebras and its relation with radicial algebras. Latin American Journal of Mathematics. 3, 1 (Sep. 2024), 1–18. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14244/lajm.v3i1.31.


